GrantWatch features grants that support conflict resolution; stop bullying in schools and educate and strengthen to eliminate racism and bias in local communities.
Grants to USA, Canada, and International organizations and individuals for activities to reduce and eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons. Funding is intended to address regional conflicts, reduce nuclear threats, partner with like-minded social justice movements, an...
Grants of up to $10,000 to USA nonprofit organizations for grassroots efforts to promote social justice. Priority will be given to projects that need added funding to implement projects, groups with diverse leadership, and those that carry out direct grassroots activis...
Grants of up to $25,000 to USA nonprofit organizations for initiatives that protect the rights of citizens and combat discrimination. Applicants must submit a letter of inquiry prior to applying. Funding is intended to eliminate all forms of prejudice and discriminatio...
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations to strengthen the relationship between the USA and Israel, to instill pride in the Jewish people, and to combat discrimination, hatred, and bigotry. Interested applicants must contact program staff before submitting a full proposal.
Grant of $25,000 to a USA, Canada, or International PhD student in the final year of study for research addressing violence. Funding is intended for studies related to violence within a broad range of areas including domestic, wars, terrorism, racial, political, and cr...
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations and tribal governments to support activities that promote justice and social change. Funding is intended for organizations that are actively responding to oppression, are creating relationships with social justice organizations, an...
Grants to USA and territories grassroots organizations to address urgent and immediate needs and promote programs related to social and reproductive justice. Applicants must contact the funding source prior to submitting an application. Funding is intended to support o...
Grants of $10,000 to USA and territories cities and towns to encourage collaboration among community residents. Funding may be used for project coordination, coaching, and project-related expenses. The goal of the program is to provide start-up funding for resident-led...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International organizations and initiatives to support campaigns and protests. Funding is intended to support a wide range of focus areas, including but not limited to housing rights, climate, workers' rights, antiracism, animal rights, and f...